Saturday, November 7, 2009

That one mini...

Ever had that one mini that you always want on your team? Or that one that you just comletely hate? In my case names like Namrah(my preferred priest) or Blindlight Murloc (my embodiment of love and hate all in one squishy grey package) come to mind.I'm sure theres alot that could come to mind,and I'm looking to see what it is that folks love,hate,ect.... So what minis evoke what feelings from you and why?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vindicator Hodoon - the almost Forsaken

Having such victories as those against the Lord of the Ogres and the Lich King's right hand, Kel'Thuzad, Vindicator Hodoon has become a well honored ally of the light. His Hammer of the Naaru brings to life his need of physical retribution, while glowing with the revelation of the power of light that leads his path. To those the Vindicator deams worthy allies, added strength can be found while in the midst of battle. To all others, beware.

While Vindicator Hodoon was the first WoW mini that many of us ever saw, he's since been forsaken. Armor, resist, and health stats aren't the reason. His attack is on par and I'd dare say better than Graccus'. He is nearly the cheapest Alliance paladin in the game. With the armies of light dominating the game at the present time, why not let Hodoon have a little fun as well?

If you've made it this far out of hopes to find some new meta breaking team, it's time to stop reading. Our group lends itself to more casual play, and this team will more than likely only fit that role. With that being said, add Blessing of Kings to the line-up. Why Blessing of Kings? Because a 3 armor and 3 resist mage is just fun. Upon my readings concerning vindicators, I've found that they have very few trusted allies. I figured if you trust the person enough to be your only option of an ally out of the box, then Ruby Gemsparkle must have earned her keep somewhere along the line.

With Ruby goes 3 common mage cards by the names of Polymorph, Flamestrike, and Fire Blast. Fire Blast - instant attacks, how much more cost effective can you get? Flamestrike - gotta love a hard to kill AOE machine. Polymorph - so that Ruby can pick on someone her own size?...

Anyway, include Savin to the bunch so that Ruby hits that much more often. Include all of your typical paladin cards such as the shield, the hammer, heals and cleanses in any way, shape or form and voila.

You have now brought Hodoon back from the path of the Forsaken. He is surrounded by those that he can trust. Melee attacks are hardly worth making. Magic attacks aren't the most affective either. Sit across the table from someone with this team and Hodoon and his mightiest ally, the light, will defend you with all of their might. Will these allies be enough to ensure that you rise the victor? They can only do their part, the rest is up to you.

Vindicator Hodoon - 6 Honor
Blessing of Kings
Flash of Light
Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros - 4 Honor

Ruby Gemsparkle - 5 Honor
Fire Blast

Savin Lightguard - 8 Honor
Flash of Light
Bulwark of Azzinoth - 2 Honor

Honor Total - 19-25

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Souls of Vengeance

I stopped by my local comic book store today (the one that so graciously lets us play minis there as well), and picked up this month's Previews catalog. Much to my surprise, hidden deep inside were pictures of the next WoW minis set cover art. So, of course, I had to share those pictures with all of you. I hope you enjoy...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moonkin Form....

UDE, think you could do this good? I dare you to try. ;-)

With the hopes of many WoW minis players still being left unanswered, there are those out there making their dreams reality as to what we might someday see in the points store. It seems like minis tokens are the hopes of most and Silverpaw looks to be no exception. Although it might still be a while before we see anything like this coming from the points store, I applaud Silverpaw and all of the other great artists out there sharing their gift with the minis community. Please keep up the great work.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Judging GenCon!

B is still accepting offers on the two previously mentioned loot cards, but it looks like he will be busy for the entire span of GenCon. It was recently listed on the UDE judge forums that he has been accepted as a volunteer to judge at GenCon. That might mean that he won't have as many opportunities to post on GenCon as a whole, but hey this is a WoW minis blog anyway!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gen Con, here we come!.... (I hope)

With the DBnJ crowd calling the Indy area home, we are all looking forward to at least one day at the wonder called Gen Con. J and B were able to make it to the convention only on Saturday last year, and it was the first time to Gen Con for the both of them. D and N have still yet to view its splendor. We hope to see a ton of old and new friends alike. Let us know if we can keep our eyes out for you while we're there. So far our group has been on the border as to whether we were going to play minis to be competitive or simply keep playing casually. I think this event will define our stand and some extensive playtesting is already being planned.

And here are the two previewed minis being given away at the event. There is also going to be an opportunity to purchase the first quest implementing mini while we are there. We'll be sure to post more information concerning that figure as we receive it. Be sure to check back as B will be updating the blog from the event itself. (Oh the wonders of today's cellphones) Hopefully one of the first pictures will be of him in his new official UDE judge uniform. If he doesn't get accepted, is there anyone interested in buying a Foam Sword Rack or Owned! loot card?

Anyway, here's looking forward to a weekend of some great gaming in the near future. If you are at all on the edge as to whether to go or not, let us highly encourage you to come out and visit us. We promise that you won't regret it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pro-tip: Using your action bar

Last I looked, this article hadn't hit the RSS feed on the side of this blog, but as soon as it does, or sooner, you ought to check it out. Even for the veterans out there that think that they've got the game pretty well figured out, I think this could be a wake-up call out of a rut that you might not know that you're in. I think we all have some favorite cards, and some of those might have transfered over from the Core Set. Are you certain that all of those favorites have been reconsidered and replaced if there's something better out there? And for those who are looking to get into WoW minis as a new player, this is an awesome article on how to pick this card over that card. Thanks Ben Stoll for your insight.